Radiology Assistant is the educational website of the Radiological Society of the Netherlands. It’s a great place to brush up on chest radiology, including complex cystic and interstitial lung disease, with segments on X-ray, CT scan, lung cancer staging, and COVID-19.

An evolving product of Dr. Josh Farkas at the University of Vermont, the IBCC is the most robust source of free, open-access critical care topic reviews anywhere online. Come here for more in-depth knowledge than UpToDate and more easily consumable knowledge than Murray and Nadel, with linked citations to primary literature and other graphical depictions of best practice.

The ATS Reading List comprises seminal primary literature of topics throughout pulmonary and critical care medicine. Many of these trials are landmark studies that drive best-practice guidelines in our practice today. This is a good place for any first-year fellow to start.

The Fellows’ Handbook is given to every fellow at the start of orientation, but if you lost your link/copy, here’s everything you need to know to survive your rotations.

This easy-to-use calculator was developed by one of our graduates, Hassan Mujahid, to help calculate predicted values when interpreting CPETs.

Use this worksheet to plan your Morbidity/Mortality/Improvement conference presentation. Adapted from the Emory University OB/GYN residency.

This handbook contains anything you’d want to know about rotating in the CVICU- courtesy of former cardiology fellow Maryam Salaam.