Clinician Educator Track
The Clinician Educator track is designed for those who want to further their journey towards being a medical educator. Enrollees will receive didactic materials on building effective lectures, adult learning theory, and effective curriculum design. Fellows are encouraged to set their own goals for their development over the three-year period.
First Year
Meet with program leadership- set goals, learn how to craft an educational portfolio and receive didactic materials.
In partnership with UC Department of Internal Medicine, enroll in their Master Teacher Program and attend 2 extracurricular learning activities.
Target and join at least one professional society (ATS Section on Medical Education, APCCMPD Fellows’ Workgroup, ACCP Chest Education Groups).
Invited to act as a content expert for Internal Medicine interns’ Academic Half Day sessions related to pulmonary/critical care medicine.
Educational opportunities for fellow-level and resident-level lectures throughout the year. All lectures given will be evaluated directly by a member of the program and direct feedback provided from them and the learners.
Second Year
Alex Garbarino, MD (Clinician Educator Track) discussing the finer points of Point-Of-Care Ultrasound with Program Director Peter Lenz and Co-Fellow Chad Lampl
Set longitudinal project goals- curriculum development, assessment tool development, etc.
Attend 6 Master Teacher Program conferences.
Give at least 3 educational presentations with direct observation and feedback from program staff.
Third Year
Submit longitudinal project to national meeting for presentation.
Attend 6 Master Teacher Program conferences.
Give at least 4 educational presentations, 2 of which should be large-scale lectures, with direct observation and feedback from program staff.
Finalize educational portfolio.
Research goals and requirements can be shifted towards educational goals, but other research projects are welcomed and encouraged if the fellow wishes to pursue them!
In addition, there is an opportunity for fellows to enroll in the Master’s in Medical Education program at the University of Cincinnati. If interested, contact Peter Lenz at for more information.