New Fellows’ Boot Camp
In the first month of fellowship, new fellows are introduced to core logistical and learning concepts in an intense three-week boot camp. The overall schedule varies year to year, but new fellows can expect dedicated time to get exposure to:
(Left to Right) New fellows Prachi Saluja, Christine Zhou, Matt Restko, Alex Fultz, and Hema Balina (CC) starting their arts and crafts time!
Basic UC and VA Hospital GME, including EPIC and CPRS training should you need it
MICU logistical orientation
Basic Chest CT Interpretation
Simulation-based training on the following core procedures:
Arterial line
Central line
Nasogastric tube placement
High-acuity, low-occurrence (HALO) procedural exposure in the cadaver lab:
Minnesota tube placement/management
Surgical chest tube placement
Intraosseous line placement
The mediastinum, circa 2023 (Bronchoscope and happy lung not to scale)
Opening modules of our longitudinal ventilator curriculum
How to give engaging talks to learners
Mediastinal Anatomy Arts & Crafts
Simulation, model-based, and bedside echocardiography
Basic airway management skills/video laryngoscopy training
Introductions to our subspecialty services, including:
Interventional Pulmonary
Pulmonary Hypertension
Sleep clinic
ILD/Rare lung disease
How to give effective M&M and journal clubs
Fellows 101 talks given by senior fellows covering the basic how-tos of bread and butter pulmonary/critical care
Dedicated shadowing time on our core services and continuity clinics
Secret field trips with program leadership to fun Cincinnati locations!
We are constantly reevaluating our boot camp curriculum every year in an effort to maximize your time, learning, and enjoyment during the start of fellowship, so this list is always subject to change!