Current third year fellow sid narayanan presenting one his projects at ATS


Recent fellowship graduate ibrahim haddad presenting his research at ATS


Former fellow and current faculty chad lampl and current faculty bobby burkes providing support to our fellows at ats

Take a look at some our fellows most recent work!

We encourage our fellows to focus on scholarly activity that is catered to their specific interests and career trajectory. You will find our fellows scholarly activities ranges from the generation of novel devices to creating a curriculum as a medical educator and everything in between. With the support of a variety of faculty mentors, fellows are able to take a deeper dive in their specific area of interest!

Yousef Ahmad

· “Machine Learning System to Indicate Diagnosis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Non-Invasively in Challenging Cases”- Published in “Diagnostics”. April 2024

· “Analysis of Validation Performance of Machine Learning Classifier in Interstitial Lung Disease Cases Without Definite or Probable Usual Interstitial Pneumonia Pattern on CT Using Clinical and Pathology-Supported Diagnostic Labels”- Published in Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine. Jan 2024.

Ibrahim Haddad

· “PPARG knockout lung organoids, primary investigator” - Oral Presentation at ATS, Faculty Mentor, Dr. Zacharias

· “Removal of Protruded Prolene Sutures at Sleeve Lobectomy Anastomosis Using Pulmonary Forceps and Bariatric Laparoscopic Scissors Introduced Through Rigid Telescope”. Presented at AABIP Meeting, Faculty Mentor, Dr. Kosciuk

· “Self-Expanding Metal Stent deployment with flexible bronchoscopy through endotracheal tube inserted in an existing tracheostomy stoma”. Presented at AABIP, Faculty Mentor, Dr. Kosciuk

· “All This Thready Material is Not Gauze! A Case of Plastic Bronchitis”, Case Report at CHEST, Faculty Mentor, Dr. Kay

Abubaker Hassan

· “Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of multidrug-resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients with Cystic Fibrosis Qatar-Experience"- Submitted to Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, pending

· “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Analgosedation Practices: A Retrospective Single Center Analysis”- ATS Poster Presentation, Faculty Mentor, Dr. Hite

Will Jensen

· “Retrospective analysis of patients with intermediate and high risk PE: demographics, management, and outcomes from a large academic referral center". Presented at CHEST and at the PERT consortium Meeting, Faculty Mentor, Dr. Gomez-Arroyo

Kristen Catherman

· “Real world outcomes of inhaled treprostinil in group 3 pulmonary hypertension”- ATS Poster Presentation, Faculty Mentor, Dr. Elwing

· Building a Code/Simulation Curriculum for Medicine Residents

Aamir Munshi

· “Spontaneous pneumothoraces during pregnancy in patients with LAM”. Published Sept 2023 in Respiratory Investigation. Faculty Mentor, Dr. Gupta

· “Reliability of Lung Ultrasound Images Obtained by Trainees vs. Independent Viewer”- ATS Poster Presentation, Faculty Mentor, Dr. Zafar

Sid Narayanan

· “Screening for Lymphangioleimyomatosis in a Case of a Young Female, Nonsmoker with Recurrent Pneumothorax”- ATS Poster Presentation, Faculty Mentor Dr. Khawar

· “Drug Induced Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Patients with Sarcoidosis Treated with with Infliximab: A Case Series of 3 Patients”- ATS Poster Presentation, Faculty Mentors Dr. Cattran and Dr. Gupta

· Created a Code/Simulation Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents

Vidhu Pandey

· Original IROSE oxygen delivery system, Faculty Mentor, Dr. Zafar

· Generation of several original prototypes enhancing oxygen delivery, inhaler drug delivery, and oxygen regulation. Patent pending.

Chris Zhou

· “Building a Solid House of Scholarship: The Importance of Foundational Worldviews. Hospital Pediatrics.”

· “Trainees’ Perspectives on the Next Era of Assessment and Precision Education. Academic Medicine.”DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005602